Thanksgiving in Thailand

Thanksgiving in Thailand

Thanksgiving in Thailand

Thanksgiving in Thailand This year, we enjoyed an atypical Thanksgiving day in Thailand which turned into a traditional Thanksgiving meal.

As we planned out trip to Thailand, we recognized that we would be out of the USA over Thanksgiving weekend and may have to forgo the traditional meal and celebrations.  We are staying in Pattaya and as we ventured around the city, I noticed a posting outside a Irish Pub advertising a Thanksgiving buffet.  Having no idea what to expect, we planned to return on Thanksgiving day since this was the most promising prospect we had for a dinner.

Thanksgiving day began with breakfast at Linda’s Norwegian restaurant in Jomtien.  For an American couple, this was a nice treat for a different meal from the standard “American Breakfast” we were finding elsewhere.  After breakfast, we ventured to one of the nice beaches on the Jomtien coastline.

Once we decided we were sufficiently fried by the sun (since we forgot to apply sunscreen) we took our lobstered bodies back to the hotel for showers and a change of clothes.  We dressed up for the Thanksgiving event and headed to Shenanigan’s Irish Pub on Second Road in the Avenue shopping center in Pattaya.  I should mention that Shenanigan’s is now closed in Pattaya, however, they have a great new location down the road in Jomtien.

We were pleasantly surprised by a complete traditional Thanksgiving meal.  Complete with Turkey, Ham, Pork roast, mashed potatoes, giblet gravy, vegetables, corn on the cob, salad, bread rolls, and finished with pumpkin pie with whipped cream.  And since it was an all you can eat buffet, we really pigged out.  They even managed to find a football game to play on the TV while we were eating.

I talked to the Irish owner, and he said he imported 25 turkeys from America for the event and cooked them all.  I never saw so many Americans all together in Thailand.  In fact, this was the first time we met another American during our entire trip.

I was also pleased to see so many sixty something men with their 20 or 30 something girlfriend or wife enjoying life a second time around.  This is the best way to rejuvenate your life in your retirement years, move to Thailand and get a girlfriend less than half you age.  No matter how old your body is, you’ll feel like you are 30 again and be reliving the best time of your life over again.

Thanksgiving in Thailand was one of the best we have had with great food, and great new friends.

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